Tuesday, October 12, 2010


This must be about the age Little Man was when I wrote those posts on his "musings". The three-year-old brain is hilarious!!!! Not only this, but Squeaker has the facial expressions to go with his crazy statements. He cracks me up! Here are a couple of recent musings a la Squeaker:

S: Dad, does everyone have green boogies?
Dad: Um, not really sure, Man. I guess some people might.
S: Oh, cuz I have green boogies.
Dad: Interesting.

Mom: Why isn't your underwear on?
S: I went potty.
Mom: But why didn't you put your underwear on after you were done going potty.
S: Because it is hiding under the stool.
Mom: Um, underwear doesn't go under the stool.
S: I put it there (every time, by the way) so that I can come flip the stool over and find it.
Mom: Wouldn't it be easier to just put it on the first time?
S: Um, no.
Mom: I just don't know why you put it under the stool.
S: Maybe it is because I run so fast.

By the way, I keep meaning to post more, but I get sidetracked by these kids that hang around the house... and the craziness of Little Lady's nap schedule. She is transitioning from 2 to 1 and I have to provide my full attention so that she does not a) fall asleep in the middle of the kitchen/bathroom floor, 2) Run into walls/furniture because she is so delirious, and 3) she LOVES pushing the "off" button on my computer! and, when she is asleep, I realized that this is truly my only time to GET STUFF DONE! Three kids are exhausting and time consuming. Sleep is good. I am seeing a Disney movie in Squeaker's near future -- I need a rest!

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