Friday, December 22, 2006

3 days to go...

Exciting times ahead. We are looking forward to a present-filled Christmas. We have had no difficulty covering up our tree skirt with presents. (and Santa hasn't even come yet!) Packages have arrived daily at our house from loving grandparents, aunts and uncles, and dear friends... We really have a lot of gifts to open. It is a good think that Daddy's family is coming over Christmas day rather than us traveling. If we waited until all the presents are open, it might take a day and a half. (especially since the Little Man must play with each present as it is opened!)

I just hope we are well by then. The Little Man has been sick all week and is getting stir crazy. He is rambunctious and mischievous and full of energy. I envy those parents with kids who are wiped out when sick, because that certainly doesn't happen here! Of course, it could be the medication's doing... who knows. I am afraid that we are going to have to head back to the pediatrician for the 3rd time this week, since his wheezing is really not improving... and we are tired of waking him at night to do his nebulizer -- just when he started sleeping all night again (after taking the paci away)! Anyway, as long as it doesn't turn into RSV or pneumonia, we should be okay.
*yes, the tree is slightly crooked*


halfoz said...

I am glad you added the tree is slightly off true. Today on the way to help Mrs H and watch Biscuit a guy on the Public Radio read a poem about being Hindu and how his father always had to have a Christmas tree that was too big for the house and would not stand up straight. Biscuit was getting a cold. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Hope Santa brings everything on your list.

Melissa Haworth said...

Our tree is more than"slightly" crooked. It's full on crooked (with lots of gifts underneath)

We got your package yesterday, thanks!!!