Here are a few pics from Little Man's first soccer game. It was amazingly good and these kids are just ADORABLE! I remember 'bumblebee' soccer, but they play 4x4, so it wasn't too bad. Some of the kiddos seemed to be a little more comfortable with the ball - and LM was not so sure whether he should go after it (probably for fear of missing) or run to get open or what exactly he should do. Every time he did something good, you could see him get excited then a bit embarrassed. Just so fun to see and made me so proud of him. Most importantly, I am just glad he had a wonderful time!
I tried to embed a photo album, but it was all in reverse, so you'll have to settle for clicking here.
Photos are adorable but that banner is unbelievable! Who made that art project? Wow!
So glad to hear LM is loving soccer.
One of the parents made it... i think she has a background in art. Isn't it amazing. They had a banner contest on opening day and our team won (soccer balls and a soccer bag) Pretty exciting for some 5 year olds. :)
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