Sunday, September 17, 2006

Fun with Visitors -- and sleep

Having guests visit is fun... we have been so busy. We have been to Georgetown and Bluemont... crafting and resting. So much fun! The Little Man sure has a hard time figuring out how to play with a 11 month old. He has tried tackling her, sitting on her lap, and stealing her toys. None have worked. We'll try more techniques later, i am sure. We have been using our double stroller and it has been SO AWESOME! What a good purchase. We consolidated from 2 strollers (lightweight/everyday and jogging) to one (phil and teds). Both kids love it, and our friend Biscuit has found it a comfy place for a nap on several occasions...

The little man, however, no such luck. He has not slept in it and thus naptime is a bit scattered. We have been lucky in that he has been using our "Light On" alarm clock soooo wonderfully. We have pushed it back to 7:20am and are amazed at how unstressful this transition was. He has taken to it without a problem! Knock on wood, i hope this continues!

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