Monday, September 11, 2006

A wonderful-ish weekend

Friday afternoon, we headed west to Shenandoah National Park and the Big Meadows Campground for some R&R with our friends. The Daddies came after work. Timing the car ride at naptime was crucial, however both Mommies could have used a nap as well... alas, we made it there in good time and without any weather incidents (Thankfully). Mommies and kids set up the campsite on their own with both kids behaving EXTREMELY well!!! Couldn't have done it without them. However, I believe that this good behavior was used up Friday and left none for Saturday. Both were still good, however, sleeping became an issue. The little man's did not sleep well (snot and cold weather?) and his dear playmate did not sleep well Friday night either. Her mommy spent most of the night in the car to prevent waking her once she got back to sleep. Naps Saturday were late and much needed. Saturday bedtime went well, but around 10:00pm, our playmates made the executive decision to pack up and leave and to drive home 2.5 hours in the middle of the night. Of course, Daddy helped and it went pretty smoothly, but we all felt bad that they couldn't stay until Sunday... we missed them!

The Little Man is an expert camper, and although he didn't sleep well Friday night (due to mommy forgetting to provide his allergy medicine at the regularly appointed times) he recovered well and made us all proud. We had a WONDERFUL time and can't wait to do it again... although it probably won't be until baby #2 arrives and is sleeping through the night.

On our way home, we made a quick detour to Luray Caverns -- It was amazing! Glad we were able to check some sights of our "Things we want to do" list!

1 comment:

Melissa Haworth said...

fun! I enjoyed the photos.