Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Sweet Little Man

It really breaks my heart when the Little Man wakes up in the middle of the night, obviously distressed... it is much different than his middle of the night "i am awake and you should be too" wakeups...

Last night, we had just 2 wakeups (of the first kind). The first was an easy fix, Daddy went in and calmed and he went back to sleep in an instant. The second was a little more distressing... it woke up both mommy and daddy. Daddy went in, as usual, and calmed, but that was a momentary fix - the crying persisted and woke mommy. So, mommy got some tylenol and went to help calm. When I lifted him up, he was SOAKED. he has never been so wet in teh whole 22 mos of his life... well, aside from swimming or pouring his beverage on himself. So, a 5:30 wardrobe change and Mommy and Daddy crossed our fingers that it would not be another miserable morning. At 6 he came into the room -- we sent him back, explaining the whole 'light on = wake up' theory and hoped for the best. At 7:30, we woke up to a still sleeping little boy!!!! YEAH! For the first time in MONTHS, he has slept until 8... aside for the wakeups. We are thrilled.

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