Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Life isn't fair

Poor Squeaker... he is growing 3 teeth at one time! They have all started to cut through the skin. poor kid, they are taking forever to finish the job. No wonder he is so cranky. The two that are coming out on the bottom came out of nowhere. So glad we forget this as we get older.


Melissa Haworth said...

Man! Sorry for the rough week.

Grandma West said...

sqweeker so sorry but you will feel better soon. LOVE YOU

Unknown said...

Hi!~ Just checking in to see what your family has been up to - sounds like lots of fun!!! (except the diapers...ugh, I hated those days). Hope your little guy is feeling much better!

The oven thing; Michelle used to do that and I found some velcro closures that were safe to use and kept it from opening unexpectedly.

Bless you, sweet old friend ~ may you enjoy even the "dirty diaper days" - as I know you do.