Thursday, August 03, 2006

Home Sweet Home

I should change the name to "Home Aweful Home" given the horrible weather we are having... it is hanging around 100 degrees and is quite humid. I would prefer the 70-80s with the cool ocean breeze!

Apparently the heat wave that was sweeping the country while we were relaxing on the beach, did not sweep through completely before we returned to VA. When we arrived at 1:00am the other morning, we had to turn on the a/c in the car it was soooooooooooo hot and humid. Not right, in my opinion.

As for the trip, we had a great time. The Little Man loves camping!!! He had such a wonderful time playing in the dirt, riding in the wagon, building/destroying sand castles, playing in the waves, and sleeping in the tent. I wish he could live like that for more than 2 weeks... but, I am not sure I would have lasted much longer. All that good outdoory stuff, but no walls to contain the active little man.

Some highlights from the trip:

  • The little man has learned several new words (dirtball, lucky boy, uncle joey, uncle sean, swimming, beach, and camping to name a small few) and has been talking up a storm. He is stringing several words together and has learned how to give things ownership ("mommy's munch"- translated: mommy's lunch).
  • Sleep issues - no problem sleeping in the tent, just not sleeping long enough... those dang birds are noisy at 6am! we are back down to 2 naps a day for this trip!
  • As mentioned before, no walls... escaping was easy if left unattended for more than 20 seconds.
  • Finally started to eat bread and pizza - how could it take so long
  • Awesome plane rides... the little man did much better than his mommy and her expanding tummy!
  • Took 10 pairs of white socks, returned with 9 pairs of brownish-tan socks
  • Playing in the sand is almost as much fun as the water... almost...
  • When picking out a car at LAX, don't let your 21mos old choose the color... we ended up with an orange car! We were so cool!!!
  • If you are ever in Santa Barbara, stop by La Super Rica Taqueria... the fresh tortillas are YUMMMMMYYYYY!!!!!

All in all, the trip was wonderful. We wish daddy could have been there. :(

1 comment:

Melissa Haworth said...

i'm so glad you had a fabulous time. Welcome home. Call me