Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Injustices in my world

I should not be awake right now, really, even though it is a normal time to be awake (7:30am)... the Little Man decided that for some reason, he wanted to be up practically ALL NIGHT LONG! I didn't hear him until about 2am, but apparently he was up 3 times before that. And, if it was anything like the rest of the night/morning/whatever, he was up every 30 min before that. 30 minutes is just the right amount of time to get back in bed, snuggle in with your 5 pillows (because you are pregnant), close your eyes, think about something nice, and doze off to slumberland. Then, BOOM, a quite little... 'Good Morning, Mommy'... is heard in the back of your mind. It is true, he is up again... 30 minutes later. We did this until 4:30 -- so that makes... 9 times in a row???... not right.

Let me just note that there was no fever, no crying, no complaints of pain or suffering, etc... he was AWAKE! At 4:30, just to make myself feel better, I gave the Little Man some tylenol and water, changed his diaper, and placed him back in bed. I got into bed with him (which is not recommended, I am sure -crib mattress+pregnant mommy) until he started to pick my nose and pull my hairs out one at a time. -- still awake, apparently). Then I told him I would sleep next to the bed (also not so good, quite uncomfortable, especially when you need 5 pillows to fall asleep). I figured, at least he would be in bed and maybe Daddy could get some sleep for more than 20 minutes straight. So, an hour later, and 3 attempts to get up and out of the Little Man's room without him noticing, we did it. He appeared to be asleep, and I got 1 1/2 hours of blissful slumber -- until Daddy started snoring quite loudly.

I can't complain about the snoring, because one of my wonderful 9 month traits is that I snore pretty loud and often, but I can complain about the injustice of this all.

  • I do not have a newborn yet, I should be sleeping through the night.
  • The Little Man is not a newborn, he should be sleeping through the night.
  • When I do fall asleep, I get awoken by the almost newborn kicking things that should not be kicked, I am pretty sure.
  • I have been craving lemonade and it is not caffienated.
  • Coffee is caffienated, but I am not drinking coffee while pregnant, even though I have been craving coffee, too -- so wrong!

Well, I had better go make breakfast -- we are having eggs since I apparently bought 2 doz eggs at whole foods, and 2 doz eggs came with my safeway.com order about 4 hours later (because I guess I thought I wouldn't make it to Whole Foods???).
I do not drink coffee, and really, really want to.

1 comment:

Melissa Haworth said...

I am SO WITH YOU. Biscuit was up 4 times last night (not as bad but I'm feeling sorry for myself anyway). Drink the coffee!