Sunday, August 13, 2006

Picnic in the Park

Despite all three of us being quite tired, we decided to head out of the house after the Little Man awoke from his (quite short) nap. We went tent shopping for our upcoming trip to Shenandoah National Park and then stopped by Safeway for sandwiches. Our great find was Claude Moore Park... just 1 mile (or less) from our house. We had driven through once, but didn't find it interesting -- this was about 3 years ago. So, we decided to try it again. We stopped by the visitor center and picked up a trail map and took off through nature for a nice hike. The Little Man enjoyed his ride in the backpack and we had a wonderful picnic dinner to follow. The weather was perfect and all in all, a great Sunday afternoon excursion. I wish we had discovered it earlier!

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