Saturday, February 23, 2008

blah blah blah

So, recently... well, really since he could talk, Little Man decided to never shut up. I know, I know, he is smart, funny, etc... but, my ears really do need a break every once in a while. So, today in the car I asked if he had an on/off switch for his mouth.

LM: Um, sorry, no I don't
Me: That's too bad
LM: Yah, I just keep it on all the time.
Me: That's really too bad.
LM: Yah.

Okay, we'll have to try another approach next time. But here is how most of our conversations go:

Me: (enjoying the quiet or music)
LM: blah blah blah blah blah race car blah blah blah super fast race car blah blah blah race car museum blah blah blah race car race car race car race car
Me: (screaming silently)
LM: blah blah blah blah blah blah
Me: Let's talk about nothing for a minute and see what that is like.
LM: Um, no thanks, Mommy, do you like race cars?
Me: Oh, so much.
LM: Me too! blah blah blah blah race car blah blah blah



Anonymous said...

I was just going to give you a call but I'll give your ears a break instead. Found my phone btw

Grandma West said...

HI KRISTY, How about trying this game to see if it will work
Let's play quiet and see who can not say anything for the longer time. Ready,set, go!!!!