Sunday, March 29, 2009

Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps

So, we found a house we liked. It is a beautifully redone single story home with lots more room that our previous abode. It is cute and in the school district we want to be in. It is not our 'dream house' or neighborhood, but we are nowhere close to feeling like we are 'settling'. It is a lovely home, so we put an offer on it. Apparently so did a gazillion other people. So, we wait, because it turns out that they are expecting to get more offers in over the weekend and then they will go through them all and decide who the lucky person is that will be able to steal their home away from them for way over asking price.

So, have you heard of this tactic: Find out what your house is worth, mark it 50k less, hold a caravan and open house and accept offers for 3 days... create a frenzy and end up selling the house for way over what it is even worth. I don't like it. It makes the home seem more irresistible than it actually is, and truthfully, I would love this home, but I won't sink into a deep depression without it. We put an offer on it that we think is fair and that was within our budget. We will see what others do, but really, we aren't willing to negotiate, it just isn't worth it. Unless we are negotiating down. ;) Anyhow, wish us luck. Slim chances, but you never know.

On the plus side, it is across the street from family friends. ;)

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