Monday, May 08, 2006

Gloomy days = Projects

In preparation for an upcoming baby shower for a friend of mine, I made a diaper cake. This has been a long process of discovery... what can you do with two hands? Apparently, NOT make a diaper cake. So, off to Home Depot to buy 3 sizes of the plastic trays they make for pots to catch the water. (I am sure there is a more technical term) Now, with 2 hands you can create this:

(I am not sure you can see it, but since the shower isn't for 2 weeks, I kept the bottom tray on to be sure it stayed in one piece)

Yesterady, during naptime*, I was able to get the guest room pretty much cleaned out. Now, I have more things to pile into the shed. I have a few more knick knacks to put away, and that will probably fill up the rest of naptime.

*naptime = the little man tying his darndest to destroy his crib. This consisted of jumping, shaking, and crashing into the walls and mattress. It also included lots of whooping and hollering... If I had known that there was a rodeo going on yesterday afternoon, I would have bought a ticket!

1 comment:

Melissa Haworth said...

ths came out great--you will have to tell me how to do small print