Monday, May 19, 2008

Monday Musings

What? It is still Monday, isn't it??? Come on, I know I am just squeakin' by, but I worked today and played this weekend... no time for blogging. So, this weeks choice is from Squeaker:

Little Man goes potty.
Squeaker: Yeah, Ka Ka

Little Man gets his shoes on.
Squeaker: Yeah, Ka Ka

Little Man eats a bite of his dinner.
Squeaker: Yeah, Ka Ka

Little Man plays with a toy.
Squeaker: Yeah, Ka Ka

Little Man breathes.
Squeaker: Yeah, Ka Ka

Okay, okay... so I made the last one up, but boy is this child so proud of his older brother. Do you think we give a little praise at our house??? I guess it is better than the alternative (which we do plenty of, I am sure, he just hasn't picked up on it yet)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Was catching up to see how it was going with work and your possible move plans...sounds like the adjustment back to work has been tough on all ~ hang in there!! I totally get it!!

Hope you have figured out the food/rest cycle with the boys. I always figured that they didn't need dinner if they ate a lot all day and weren't complaining at dinner time ~ just water in a bottle (for hydration and comfort) and bed. This helped them eat breakfast, which helped them be more functioning through the daycare time ~

Blessings to you ~ I will add you all to my prayers. Christie