Sunday, May 20, 2007

A grand finale in the making

Yesterday we went over to our family friend's house for a BBQ. Having kids sure does change things. It was great to see them, but it was sad that we had to leave at bedtime. Late night outings now means 8pm when you have little tykes along :). Anyhow, we got home and the kidlets went to bed. I slept well, the Squeaker slept average, and the Little Man and Ga-Mommy... well, let's just say that I am so glad they slept at the other end of the house. Apparently, the Little Man is sick. Does he know we are flying back home tonight, I wonder? I guess not, because if he did, he would not have gone and gotten himself sick! :) poor little guy. Not quite himself all day which is a little worrisome, given our late night departure. Hmmmm... I sure hope there are at least 2 pairs of closed eyelids on this flight. What a way to end our absolutely wonderful trip!

Here are a couple of cute shots of the little munchkins:

1 comment:

Melissa Haworth said...

great photos! Can't wait to hear how the flight home went. You are a brave woman...