Saturday, November 01, 2008

October is over

Thank goodness... We had enough excitement packed into one month that it felt like 3 months. We have some exciting things in store for this month:
  • Little Man will start preschool
  • Little man is going diaperless 24/7. (He was wearing them at night and it seemed to be a habit to use them, or laziness)
  • Squeaker finally gets his wish and will start potty training. I know that it will probably not go as smoothly as it did for LM, but he is ready. Too bad I'm not :).
  • I am thinking of picking up a few hours working since we have Daddy and GaMommy at home and no mortgage for the time being.
  • Oh, and there is Thanksgiving coming up, wasn't it just January?

On a side note - Squeaker is doing really well with the big boy bed. It still takes him a long time to go to sleep, but we are putting him back in bed far less than we were.

I am off to take advantage of the quiet house and am going to take a nap with the boys. I can't recall the last nap I took! Woo hoo!!!

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