Thursday, December 31, 2009
Par-tay Time
Baby girl fed and asleep.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars viewing for an enthusiastic 3 and 5 year old.
Popcorn and leftover halloween soda dessert
Tivo recording of the east coast ball drop viewing
Late bedtime for 2 little boys.
A happy ending to 2009!
Can't wait to see what 2010 has in store for us!!!!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Scooty Ms Scootypants
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Recovery mode
The kids have been up very late 5 nights in a row, we are all sick (nothing terrible, just little colds, thankfully), and the house is in a terrible state. I think everyone needs a nap! :).
We were very lucky that Santa stopped by our house given the behavior we saw Christmas eve - I think he tends to look past the over-excited naughtiness- and our house is filled with equal parts toys and wrappings. I sure am glad this is a once a year thing!
I am looking forward to our final week off. Maybe we'll go to the movies or play some of our new games. One thing I really want to do is go to the zoo. The festival of lights that has been at the wild animal park for years is no longer. I can't wait to see the replacement festivities at the zoo. Luckily there is a whole week and no definite plans - we'll see if and I ever wake from my long winter's nap.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
6 evaluations/IEP meetings at work (in addition to current caseload)
1 dentist appointment for child with black tooth
1 child left at home with Daddy while Mommy and other 2 fly across the country
4 hours of delay at 2 airports
4 days of visiting friends and family in Virginia
2 Grandparents meeting Little Lady for the first time
2 vomit incidents on airplanes
0 days of snow on trip... bad timing, I hear they have PLENTY of snow now.
-620 hours of sleep (and counting)
1 baby who decided that she didn't want to ever take a bottle again
4 different family/friends watching kids while Mommy goes crazy keeping up with current work schedule (thank you family/friends!!!)
1 VERY VERY messy and undecorated house
75 pictures cropped poorly by snapfish requiring redo
3 trips to Walmart (see above)
1 more vomit incident on one of the trips to walmart
1 ornament purchased by husband for baby girl who is very caucasian and ornament is very NOT caucasian -- does it make a difference???? Eh, perhaps not.
1 date with husband to see Blindside which I liked very much.
1 cold spreading through family
Okay, now I need to eat some chocolate and go to bed because Little Lady likes to eat at night (see above) and I am tired!!!
Friday, December 04, 2009
Oh, okay, I have been a slacker with my posts, but really and truly... no sleep and too much to do, no time to sit and blog. But, I am not procrastinating as I have 4 reports to write and all three kids are asleep.. I should be doing my work... but oh, guess what? Guess where I am going next weekend??? I am taking Little Man and Little Lady and heading east for some visiting. Little Lady gets to meet Grandma and Grandpa Cockrell. And, as she is only 5 months old, I am guessing Grandma and Grandpa are slightly more excited than she... BUT, I know Little Man is going to have a hard time keeping his excitement in for much longer. As it gets closer, he is getting more and more rambunctious. He tells nearly everyone where we are going and how much fun it will be. We bought a gift for Uncle Will for Christmas and he wanted to see if we could bring it with us so he could open it and (oh, darn, can't give it away on here)... enough said, he is just really excited! I am starting to feel bad that we will only be there for a couple of days. Unfortunately, school/work/airfares dictated when our trip would be, but I know we'll have a good time. We will even have time to see a couple of friends up in northern VA. yipee! The only downside to the trip (other than it will be FAR too short) is that Daddy and Squeaker won't be joining us... oh, and i booked a red eye on the way there and a 7 am flight on the way back. Silly silly silly me. Should be fun and completely exhausting. ;)
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Five Months Old
Also, the way she "talks"... hysterical. It is like she is a possessed little thing! I really need to get out the video camera.
Oh, and those pudgy little thighs! man, oh man!!!
Um, sleep, where are you?????
waking up twice at night
being very tired in the morning
being cranky in the morning
being impatient with the boys
yelling at the boys
feeling bad for yelling at the boys
being more cranky
drinking coffee
feeling like 1 cup should be enough then eating chocolate or other sweets to compensate for being tired and cranky
feeling bad for eating chocolate and other sweets
being too tired after the boys go to bed, or first thing in the morning to work out, so I don't
feeling bad for not working out when I am eating so horribly
and on and on and on
So, in order to break this cycle, I am going to go to bed early. How about right now. And, since there are no plans tomorrow... other than the obvious "make tons of food to consume in large quantities for Thanksgiving"... I plan to get LOTS of exercise. Anyone for a walk?
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Time for a Break
I was hoping to do something fun this week... I will have to get some more rest so that I can wrestle these kids out of their jammies and on to the aquarium or the beach or wherever our free days take us! Too bad Daddy's work does not have the same vacation schedule as our schools do.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Squeaker: it is like an elbow, but not an elbow
Me: huh?
Squeaker: it is like a bony skeleton thing
Go figure.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Itty Bitty Sicky
Friday, November 13, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
So Sad.. and expensive
Monday, November 09, 2009
Movin' right along
*okay, so really she rolled over and got her arm caught but she pushes off with her toes and can scoot her self across the floor. Logical next step: crawling out of bed, right?
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Musing from an "older" Little Man
Me: What is that?
LM: Because when you grow up, you have to work. I don't want to work, I want to play all the time. That is why I don't want to grow up.
Me: You are a smart guy.
LM: Yah, I know.
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Knocking on wood as we speak
It is so wonderful to have a child that can soothe herself to sleep. I know that much of that is personality/temperment, but today I would like to take some, no, A LOT of credit for this. I chalk it up to experience- you know... Three kids and all!!
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Catch you in a couple days, Good night.
That's the way we spell "a big huge no longer a baby and quite grown up" kid. Holy cow, he's old. Little Man turns 5 years old today. We are so excited for him. Five seems like such a big age to me. No real reason why, I suppose. But a kid through and through.
Well, this is a fun way to start out your birthday, eh? Yah, for some reason, some call it asthma, a small cold turns into this. But no worries, we have so much planned for today that the albuterol might actually benefit us in the long run -- nothing like jazzing a kid up on his birthday, with a party and halloween with trick or treating. We will hopefully crash tonight without as much as peep.
Little Man has come into his own this year. He has started to read, learned to ride a bike, started kindergarten, is very imaginative, loves to climb, loves his little sister and brother, curious about EVERYTHING, has quite the ability to reason and problem solve (sometimes to his parents' dismay). He is more than ready to play sports (or something simliar). He loves all things "boy" - superheros, star wars, robin hood, and the list goes on. Everything is "AWESOME".
.... and now, I have a party to get together and also have to head to work for a bit, so the rest will have to wait.
Friday, October 30, 2009
ready set go
Apparently I am too busy to even capitalize. what's up with that?
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Squeaker Says
Uh, croupy and awake quite early. :(
Busy day too - off to check out his teeth at the dentist after a faceplant at his 3 year old checkup.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Party prizes preview
Here is tonight's small feat.
Friday, October 23, 2009
- Squeaker is THREE and is doing quite well. He is a bundle and a half of energy and we are happy when he does not nap because going to bed in the evening is soooo easy that way. At preschool, he is a different kid and not in a bad way, just in a non-squeaker way. We are working on that.
- Little Man is anxious for his birthday and exhibiting every negative behavior seen at school, on tv, or whatever he can come up with. It is exhausting! We are considering a trade or checking on our return policy for this one. On the other hand, he is exuberant and eager to learn and loves school and really really really wants to do karate now that we forced him to take an introductory lesson.
- I am doing okay. This month I have found has filled up very quickly and I can't believe how little time I have to sit on my couch eating bon bons. It is the beginning of the tend as my mom points out. The beginning of a crazy "go here go there" life. I am in the midst of preparing for the big birthday/halloween bash and also getting my ducks in a row for adding on another day at work. All this excitement leaves the house a total disaster so I am also trying to figure out how to fix that little problem. ;)
Once I upload some birthday prep pictures, I will post... limited time at the computer these days.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Celebrate, Celebrate, have a good time
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Squeaker's Big Day
Happy Birthday my big boy!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
What to do for our Wild Things....
*examples of "scary" movies for LM: Tale of Despereaux, Great Mouse Detective, Land Before Time, Toy Story 2, Lion King, Snow White, Sled Dogs... "scary" most often means "nervous" and he doesn't handle "nervous" well.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
All the way rolly polly
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Rolly Almost Polly
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Busy Weekends Begin
I have so many errands to run, and after last nights "quick" grocery store trip with the three kids... I have decided to wait until I am sans kids (or at least some kids) to finish up those errands. Our purpose was to get out of our clean house to go gets some beer for our game night with some friends. Little Lady was tired and needed a nap, Squeaker did not nap despite our best efforts, and Little Man did not nap long enough and was way too excited about his friends joining us for the evening. All I needed was beer. I hauled the three kids into the store with nice gentle reminders to walk nicely in the store and stay with me. Little Man was half walking half running ahead to get in and get out. Squeaker was walking with his eyes looking everywhere but in front of him and I am pretty sure he walked into every single shopper and their cart in the entire store. Little Lady cried the whole time and even the cashier tried to coo at her to no avail. Ahhh... the glamorous life of parenthood... and I looked like a such a lush just going in for beer with my 3 kids -- Why yes, I did need it that badly. :) Funny thing is, it seemed like a good idea at the time - silly me. I was about ready to open up a bottle in the checkout line, and I don't even drink beer!!!!
Boy, that was a tangent. Anyhow, working on the weekend is a nice escape, extra moolah, and it means we are off and running every Saturday! Let the games begin!
Friday, October 09, 2009
* to give up the fight for Squeaker's nap and let him be a zombie the second half of the day. This one should be a post of its own.
* wording for invitations to Little Man's party
* Little Lady is the best baby... 2 nights in a row she has slept from 8pm to 6am- granted she won't know that I have opened my big mouth
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
The "How much do I want to work" dilemma
What I would love is to work full time and be at home full time... uh, that is not happening unless I clone myself and the technology just isn't there yet (although someone can dispute this, I am sure). So, do I work 2 days a week? 3 mornings a week? or what?
Monday, October 05, 2009
Fall is here
Hopefully the next few days will allow us to catch up on some much needed sleep and perhaps then give me back some brain cells so I can keep up with this blog!
Looking forward, I see lots of party, halloween and birthday prep going on. Perhaps you can help? First order of business, finding a cute birthday/halloween party invitation to copy. My favorite right now is making a mummy by wrapping the card in gauze. I am sure there are more creative ideas out there, but as mentioned above, lacking brain power at the moment. ;)
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Terrible Mommy
Anyhow, I need to go tag some 300 or so items for the upcoming consignment sale while LL sleeps, LM at school, and Squeaker glued to the Great Mouse Detective. Have you seen this... so cute.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Sleep is GOOD
Yesterday was a sleep disaster! Our lovely boys decided that neither wanted to take naps, and just before we gave up, they both fell asleep. We woke them at dinnertime, but probably should have done it sooner or not let them nap. They were both still awake at 9:30pm when I went up to bed. Ugh. So, thinking that they would sleep in, I merrily went off to bed. Little Lady, uncharacteristically woke at 2:30ish and had a bear of a time going back to sleep. I must admit, I had become accustomed to a nice night's sleep! Anywho, she finally went back to sleep just before 4, and then less than 2 hours later, guess who woke up... BOTH the boys. Not sure why, but it was an early start to the day for sure. Hoping today goes much better in the sleep department. This is by far not our worst night, but makes us skittish for naps today. :) Wish us luck!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Cool Rider
Sorry for the video quality... i was using my phone and holding the baby. you get the gist, right?
Monday, September 21, 2009
I have just enough brain power tonight to let you know that our darling little one has started to laugh. She does not dole those out willy nilly either. I have heard it a couple times now and several "almosts". It is adorable to see her break out in the biggest grin ever and yet not quite big enough for that laugh. She sure is a cutie!!!
oops, wrong picture. ;) hee hee
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Mailbox Game
Friday, September 11, 2009
Afternoon Fun
In general, I reserve messy activities for when I have had a lot of sleep and thus have accumulated lots of patience. I did not do that today, but it turned out okay - for like 30 minutes... 30 minutes of wonderfulness. ;) Perhaps I just need to have 5 similar activities lined up so that once they get tired of one, I am guaranteed at least another 30 min???
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Positive Reinforcement
What do you do if there is not a positive reinforcer greater than playing with your brother???
So, we decided that we were going to put the boys together in a room again for several reasons that are all now seeming not so worth it. Anyhow, it is not working out so great - this sharing a room thing. We have the "Bedroom Rules" followed by "Good Bedroom Behavior" (basically the rules but with all positives) and a sticker chart for when they follow all the rules and have good bedroom behavior. Now, they could care less about the rules when there is a fun playmate in the bed next to them. It would probably be a whole lot better if they were not so into playing together. And, if they could control themselves. They have earned one sticker each, in the past week. Not good. We even stagger the bedtimes - which is not the problem - it is the waking up at the crack of dawn, or earlier, that is the problem. Whoever wakes up first (and it is usually the older one) goes over to wake up his brother. This wouldn't be so bad if it was 6:30 or 7am... but it isn't. And, inevitably, it wakes everyone else up, too. :( I went to bed at 8:30pm last night and am considering doing it again tonight. I am so tired of this. any suggestions?
Friday, September 04, 2009
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
I am going to stick with it and hope to get myself back into some sort of shape (other than round)! Keep you posted... but not too frequently.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
I see fist... struggle struggle squawk struggle
I can get it into my mouth... num num suck suck
Ack, involuntary spasm
Where did that fist go?
Ah, I see it again... concentrate, concentrate, squawk, struggle
Finally... suck suck suck
Dang, another spasm...
repeat over and over and over and over until I fall asleep.
Big Day
Friday, August 21, 2009
First Day of School

Before we even moved to this school district, we were going to put LM in this kindergarten program. It is a special program for those children with late birthdays or who might need another year before the rigors of the full-day K program. Apparently, it isn't like it was when we were young. In kindergarten, they are expected to write sentences, stories, and illustrations. I seem to remember that was what you learned in 1st grade! Times have changed. Anyway, since his birthday is in October, and he tends to shy away from writing/coloring/finger-related activities and gravitates more to run run run/sword-fight/attack/chase/hide/scream/yell. Yes, all boy! So, we thought it would be best to place him in a 2-year kindergarten program. He has one year of half-day K that focuses on basic skills required for the full day curriculum the following year. One more year to grow!
So, the first day of school... it was spectacular. He was a little emotional (just like his mom - excitement and nervousness) but went in and just did beautifully. He is, apparently, a good listener and already made an impression on the teacher. ;) As long as he does it at school, that is all I really care about. He is a bit sad that he can't go all day, but there is time enough for that. It actually works out well that he goes 1/2 day since he still naps. The best part for me, we can walk to and from school. No driving and hauling kids in and out for a 2 minute drive. It is heavenly. Just a stroller, beautiful weather and a little bit of exercise.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Back at work
Just a heads up, I will be sobbing in my lap for the next 12 hours, as my boys will be starting Kindergarten and Preschool respectably. :( Sigh.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Random Trip to Expensive Theme Park


Thursday, August 13, 2009
Yay, Mail!

Now, I don't have to worry about breaking my mom's camera anymore and having to replace two. And, I have a cute green camera that fits right in my pocket without a problem.
Another exciting bit of mail came, a package from a dear college friend who apparently has nothing better to do with her time than make quilts. Check out this quilt:
Adorable! And... it adds a nice balance to all the pink we have accumulated in our house in the past month. THANK YOU!!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The storm before the calm

I am baffled by how often I miss all the signs. Without fail, I misread certain 'signs' as ' someone has replaced my 4 yo with the devil!'. These 'signs', if interpreted correctly, would all point to 'SICK'.
Yesterday, Little Man had a horrible no good verrrrry bad day (...All details have been blocked from my mind). Today, he took a nap at 8am and again at 1:30pm and has been coughing, wheezing and generally content to sit on the couch. Um, sick.
Why do I never see it coming- even though Daddy was sick, I was sick and Little Lady was sick (currently getting over it), and LM had a runny nose yesterday- I mean, all the signs were there! The good news is, he was not replaced by the devil AND he is extremely more helpful when sick (and blowing germs into his sister's face) and helped LL burp after her meal. I am glad the storm has passed and am enjoying the calm while it lasts.
Friday, August 07, 2009
My parents got a washer and all I got was this box
Luckily, Daddy is so creative and turned an ordinary, plain, HUGE box into a CASTLE!!! Comes complete with drawbridge with string to pull it up and down.
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Caffeine Experiment
My theory is as follows:
Can't physically sit still, even with bribery or by playing the 'statue' game=ADHD
ADHD(sometimes =) stimulant medication
Caffeine=Dark chocolate covered espresso beans (20 of them to be precise)
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Soooo Big!


Thursday, July 30, 2009
Musing from Little Man
LM: You know what? I wish I was a mom.
Me: Really, how come?
LM: So I would know if it tickles when babies eat.
Me: It doesn't tickle.
LM: Oh, well, I still want to know.
Me: Not gonna happen, just take my word for it.
LM: Okay.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Last night
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
The drive yesterday was pleasant... Except for when we had to stop in the 108 degree temps. Luckily, W0 minutes later, and a drive over the mountains, it was like 30 degrees cooler.
And, after our first night as a family of five camped in one monstrous tent, we are officially on vacation! 5am wake ups and all (Little Man may have set a new record!). Little lady did well with minimal crying/complaining. And squeaker managed to sleep slightly past his siblings - he didn't have a chance with all the noise of the other two!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
My thoughts on Three
So, I am considering going back on our experiment and letting the poor zombie kid sleep. I am also incredibly tired and physically exhausted - you know, the whole waking up in the night for an hour or so each time -- so I could use the break. I just wish I could convince Squeaker to join his brother. Any suggestions? :)
Oh yah, so back to what I think... um, three is awesome and quite difficult at the same time. We can have several wonderful hours when everyone is in sync and I am happy, then, just after lunch, things go downhill rapidly and I can feel that happiness slip away with the weight everything. I need to figure out when to get me a glass of wine.
Conclusion: Mommy needs a break.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Weekend Wrapup
And, if that wasn't excitement enough, my best friend came down with her mom and her daughter. I love that we live close enough that we have been able to see each other 3 times already this year and we were barely able to see each other once a year when we lived on the east coast. We didn't do a whole lot - but it was great. I even got a girl's night of shopping out of it. I can't tell you the last time I have been to the mall sans whiny kids. It was delightful. We did have a 2 week old tag-a-long, but she slept the whole time, so I can't complain. And, then, as a trial run for next week, we took everyone to the beach. It was wonderful. The boys, despite being tired, had a great time and did very well. I should have put on sunscreen and perhaps we should have given Squeaker some sunglasses* but all in all, it was perfect weather, kids had fun and the day was amazing.
*did you know that you can get a sunburn on your eyeballs?
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Sweet sleeping baby
Friday, July 10, 2009
Please Hold
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Potty Update
The only problem is not wanting to leave his toys. He holds his underwear and does the potty dance until he can't hold it any longer. Sometimes he makes it, sometimes he almost makes it. So, if he were an only child, he'd be 100%. Hopefully he'll learn really quick that he can go pee fast and come right back to his toys and that his big brother won't take his toys while he is gone. In the meantime, we'll just have extra undies at the ready for those 'almost' moments.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Anyhow, I have been sending out monthly photos to friends and family since Little Man was born. It has been great for those who don't live close, but even better for me because I have been able to keep track of the highlights over the months. Unfortunately, Kodak Gallery decided that they were going to delete my photos if I didn't pay them an annual fee. Of course, I refused, being the stubborn girl that I am, and they really did delete them all. I do have all the pics on my computer and my back up hard drive, but no longer do I have the whittled down version. Instead of 50 pics a month, I have like 200 each month to go through to find the highlights. All that hard work for 4 years is gone gone gone. So, last month I switched to a different photo sharing site. And, this month, I decided that I would also try to include these pictures on this blog. I have been having a tough time finding a spot within the layout I have chosen, so I am going to just post them in today's post and hope that I can find a layout or design a layout someday to accommodate my picture addiction. Enjoy.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
And then there were three
The baby and I will head home today and the boys are very happy about that. Although it will be a tired couple of days, months, years... I am really excited to see our new family unit in our new house in our new neighborhood.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Ah, memories
She sure is cute though! Except she looks a little mad in this picture. But she is sleeping so that is good. Now I have to think of a fitting blog name for her. I mean we FINALLY decide on a name and now I have to think of another... Come on.
When the boys came for a visit yesterday, Little Man asked, "Is she a real baby?". How cute is that. Oh, and Squeaker wanted to touch her spit bubbles. Ahhhhh. Should be fun having this new plaything around!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Oh, and I think we have a name. We can check that one off the list. Although, since she is arrive tomorrow, I am sure you can deal with the suspense for just one little day.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Happy Father's Day to us
Anyhow, after spending a good amount at our local home improvement store on our shiny new fridge, we decided to go celebrate father's day and go out to lunch. While at lunch, GaMommy informed us that there was a sale on a washer at our local major electronics store, so we sent the boys home with her to nap (she is wonderful!) and went to check out the sale. Unfortunately, the sale was really good and the washer was amazing. And, most unfortunately, the dryer was also on sale so we got both. YIKES! We spent the rest of the afternoon diverting our attention away from our bone dry bank account and just relaxed and did nothing. Just as a father's day should be!
So, after emptying the dishwasher and having to rewash 25% of the dishes, I think we need to win the lottery to increase the likelihood that a new dishwasher finds its way to our house sometime soon.
It was a good father's day and we are so thankful to have such a wonderful Daddy to take care of us. Daddy, you are wonderful and we love love love you so much.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
What to Do?????
I took two or three pictures. Horray.
My camera stopped working. Boo.
What am I going to do? If I run out and get a new camera, my current one (which is lovely, by the way) will start working again. :( If I don't get one, I will go into labor tonight and miss the most important day of our little girls' life... Oh, and we can't buy a camera because we need a washing machine that cleans the clothes instead of making them dirtier. I don't know how that is possible, but it is.
1 week to go
So, I had my last OB appt before the scheduled arrival of our little baby girl. Everyone, and that list now includes me, is convinced this baby is going to hold out until next Thursday. She is still flipping around all over the place, turning head over heels and doesn't appear to want to settle down. Although I am significantly uncomfortable, I do believe that she is doing it all for me. I mean, our house is coming along and in a livable state, which is good. I highly recommend moving 3 weeks before you are due to have a baby - especially if you are particularly exuberant 'nester'. :) I might even be able to park my car in the garage by next week!!!! :)
Check off list:
living room converted to playroom CHECK
Bassinet assembled CHECK
family room comfy and pretty much 'put together' CHECK
Baby clothes washed CHECK
Bedrooms cleaned and ordered CHECK
Car seat installed CHECK
Clothes washed (this week) CHECK
House vacuumed CHECK
Still left to do:
Find trash can
have baby
make some dinners
replace essentially all appliances
fix roof/balcony
clean garage
Fun times ahead this week! Woo Hoo!!!
And, it is Father's Day on Sunday. How exciting.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
So, anyone know where it is??? I can tell you this, it is not with the sleeping bags that were lost for 2 years. Those have been found. I need to find the new black hole. I seriously have looked everywhere!!!!! But, I guess I haven't since it is still gone.
Monday, June 15, 2009
"Closure Update"
- Baby still has no name Narrowed down to 2 names, for the moment
- Our new house is a MESS and unlivable for the moment House is livable but a mess... the garage is cleaner but the house is fuller
- I thought I was done at work, but found out on my 'last' day that an IEP had been scheduled for this Thursday, so I have to go in... AGAIN Work is done, checked out, and not to be thought of until August
- Our house is full of boxes, misplaced and broken down furniture. Fewer boxes, more "stuff" (although not yet put away), and furniture might be in its final resting place
- Squeaker is a royal mess -- he is wild, excitable, teething, etc. Squeaker is mellowing out. He is sleeping in our old queen size bed, in his own room, sleeping through the night again, and in general, doing well (knocking on wood as I write this)
- I don't fit into my clothes anymore. Clothes still don't fit, maybe even fewer fit?
- Little Man wants to move into our new house and asks several times a day if we can. It is driving me crazy. Moved in, living in the chaos, and everyone except Squeaker is happy with our new home (Squeaker asks to go "HOME RIGHT NOW" several times a week -- meaning back to GaMommy's house)
- We need way too much stuff for our new house - that is what happens when you get rid of everything (cleaning supplies, condiments, everything you don't move cross country) Our purchase list is dwindling... just need to acquire some yard equipment which is low priority given we have found the fridge and washing machine are WAY below my low standards.
- I am uncomfortable and would love very much if baby-no-name comes a bit early, assuming the ultrasound goes well on Monday Ultrasound went well and baby can come but the time to come early is running out. I am scheduled for a c-section on the 25th!
- We have not moved out of my mom's house and really can't given the state of our new house -- okay, I would put up a picture, but I went to the house yesterday to meet with a roofer and the boys were HORRIBLY behaved (I know, you are shocked) so I couldn't even take a minute to catch our mess on camera. Besides, the garage door needs repair... ooo, next bullet
- Our house needs a new garage door opener, roof repair, huge and dangerous trampoline gone out of the backyard, gaping hole of a spa covered and secured, exposed wiring in boys' bedrooms covered, side gate latches installed, new windows, screens, oh dear... is there more, probably, but this is a good start. Have had quotes on our repairs and are deciding on which are the most important to get done. We have cleaned and covered the spa and the trampoline has been relocated to GaMommy's house. Oh, and exposed wiring covered appropriately.
Oo-De-Lally - Robin Hood and Little John
Friday, June 12, 2009
Mommy's cranky
Note to self: what kind of a crazy woman brings two energy-filled, loud, and impatient children to home depot, by herself when 12 months pregnant, anyway????? Dumb dumb dumb. need to rest. too much to do. can't rest cuz brain won't shut off. Need to
On another note, we finally have internet in our house. woo hoo. unfortunately it is not wireless (yet) and although I would very much like to hole away in the corner of the house that has the ethernet cable, I cannot without assuming that the rest of the house is likely to be destroyed or a child injured in my 'absence'.
Monday, June 08, 2009
Brief pause
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Counting Down
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
- Baby still has no name
- Our new house is a MESS and unlivable for the moment
- I thought I was done at work, but found out on my 'last' day that an IEP had been scheduled for this Thursday, so I have to go in... AGAIN
- Our house is full of boxes, misplaced and broken down furniture.
- Squeaker is a royal mess -- he is wild, excitable, teething, etc.
- I don't fit into my clothes anymore.
- Little Man wants to move into our new house and asks several times a day if we can. It is driving me crazy.
- We need way too much stuff for our new house - that is what happens when you get rid of everything (cleaning supplies, condiments, everything you don't move cross country)
- I am uncomfortable and would love very much if baby-no-name comes a bit early, assuming the ultrasound goes well on Monday
- We have no moved out of my mom's house and really can't given the state of our new house -- okay, I would put up a picture, but I went to the house yesterday to meet with a roofer and the boys were HORRIBLY behaved (I know, you are shocked) so I couldn't even take a minute to catch our mess on camera. Besides, the garage door needs repair... ooo, next bullet
- Our house needs a new garage door opener, roof repair, huge and dangerous trampoline gone out of the backyard, gaping hole of a spa covered and secured, exposed wiring in boys' bedrooms covered, side gate latches installed, new windows, screens, oh dear... is there more, probably, but this is a good start.
Anyhow, my mind is constantly going and I just want to sit here all day and finish up some craft projects and I really can't because I can't sit for more than 20 minutes without feeling like someone hit me with a sharp object from behind or having to go pee.
Wait, I really shouldn't be posting anything these days, seems like all I can muster up to write are complaints complaints and more complaints. My point is supposed to be, we need to get some of these tasks completed so we can all have piece of mind.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Update time

We have a few little things to do before we move in, so we may take a week or so to move. And by "we", I really mean "everyone else except for me since I can barely move" :)
Which leads me to the next update... Baby Update: No baby yet. I am about as far along as I was with Squeaker when he decided to join us... which is a little bit worrisome. I am now officially in complain mode and am quite uncomfortable. This belly is rather large and when I saw my profile yesterday, I could not believe it! I would show you a picture, but my mirror broke. So, I have another ultrasound scheduled for the beginning of June to find out how things are looking for delivery. My C-section date is already scheduled, we'll see if I can make it that long. I am guessing not. Just a hunch.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that my sister and my mom threw me a baby shower. I don't know what the ettiquitte is for a 3rd baby baby shower, but it was really fun to see those that came and we played games and ate yummy food and really, what more could you ask for???
Current kid update: School is done for Squeaker and Little Man has about one more week. I am excited for summer and we have a lot going on. It will be nice to sit at home and yell at them to be nice to each other for a couple of months. Little Man is now a full blown kid. He is no longer anywhere close to being a baby, toddler, or even a preschooler. He thirsts for knowledge and looks like a 10 year old on some days. Squeaker is still managing to turn my hair grey with his sleeping troubles. He goes to sleep well at night these days (knock on wood) but nap time is horrendous. I would stop having him nap, but it is not that he isn't tired -- he will keep himself up by talking to his hands. Then, as he is dozing off, will wake himself up and go crazy just so he doesn't fall asleep. AUGHH... the worst part is, we have to pay for it later on in the day - from when he gets out of bed until we get him back in again. Periodically, Daddy will go for a jog and take him along and he will sleep almost instantaneously. Just nap already!!!!!
No other updates at the moment. I have been so busy getting things done and dealing with house/kid/work things that my body is just pooped by the time I can sit. So, I don't sit... I lie down... thus the lack of posting because it is really hard to type sideways. :) And, given that things aren't slowing down any time soon, I don't think the situation is going to improve much in the next month.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Feeling like a Parent
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Winding down

Monday, May 04, 2009
Just Slightly Post-Freakout
* 2 houses have now been reduced to 1 house
* Home inspection completed and the laundry list has been created
* Escrow is to close in less than a month and it seems like there is still a lot that needs to be completed by then
* Move? Seriously... you want us to MOVE? Again?????
* Woo Hoo, we are finally buying a house!!!
Seems that soon we'll be able to get ready for that lucky 3rd child of ours who is probably getting a good dose of adrenaline/stress hormone of choice each every day... perhaps more than the estimated daily allowance... Sorry our no-named Little One. :)